Liam and Emerson

What can I say...our boys are chick magnets. It didn't take Quinn long to find some ladies, and Liam is following in his footsteps.

You might remember that Quinn went for a girl a few weeks older.

Well, Liam decided that his first lady-friend should be a little younger, but just a few weeks too.

Welcome to the world Emerson!

We're not going to need to read to Liam

Quinn has that covered. Liam already LOVES his older brother!

As you can see from the background, we don't have a shortage of books in the Webb house (trust me--you can only see a small portion of them). Like parents like kids.

It's official...

Liam is a giant. The doctor confirmed it. He grew 3 inches in one month. He might be wearing the same size as Quinn soon...

Happy Thanksgiving

Liam hopes everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Happy 2 months/17 months

Conveniently (for blogging purposes), Liam and Quinn were both born on the 25th, so that means today is Liam's 2-month birthday and Quinn's 17-month birthday.

If you can't tell by the expression on his face, it freaks Quinn out a little when I put Liam in his crib. He didn't seem to mind sharing his rainforest crib toy though, and Liam might like Quinn's better than his ocean version.

I also think Liam might catch up to Quinn in size...(and, yes, Quinn's hands really are that big).

Flyer fan

On Sunday afternoon, Quinn sat through his first entire basketball game (he usually jets a little early). The second half was a bit rough for him and sitting still, so Grandpa had to entertain him in the row behind us.

Go Flyers!

(don't worry...we didn't make Liam sit through the game)

The Wiggly Party

Well, we survived The Wiggles concert. And, we decided on the way home that it was for sure worth it.

I was kind of nervous that Quinn would be fine for half an hour and then get antsy. I couldn't have been more wrong. He was GLUED to the stage for an hour and 20 minutes. GLUED. This is how he looked for every picture we took. It was pretty cute.

Mind you, there is no zoom going on here. We really were that close--5th row. I think that helped Quinn a lot. If we were in our original seats (row 22) I think he would have had a harder time understanding what was going on.

Enjoy the pictures of Quinn, Anthony (he's first because he's my favorite), Murray, Sam, and Jeff. And keep in mind that they are the four richest people in Australia. Hysterical.

This morning Quinn wasn't really interested in watching The Wiggles like he usually is...maybe the TV was disappointing after seeing them live.

On the eve of the concert

Quinn has no idea that he's going to see The Wiggles in concert tomorrow night. And he has no idea that his dad called Ticketmaster today and moved us up to the fifth row...beside the stage.

Now, I was super excited when we were right beside the stage for U2, but I don't exactly feel the same way about The Wiggles (even though the blue one is just a little cute).

I hope he has fun. And I hope they are handing out shots for the parents. I mean, just look at the drool on his face from watching The Wiggles in our living room. Imagine seeing them in person!

So big

Where does the time go?

I'd like to point out that last night Quinn was rubbing Liam's hair and then feeling his own head. I wonder if he was jealous.

Brotherly love


(just you wait--we bought them matching pajamas)

Enjoying the Indian summer

All of a sudden Quinn became obsessed with being outside--just in time for the cold weather.

Lucky for him we had one more week of nice weather and he enjoyed as much of it as he could.

The second picture demonstrates what he does EVERY time an airplane flies over. Just so happens we live right by an airport, so we see a lot of airplanes.

More Halloween shots

Quinn loved walking around in his costume more than he liked going door to door.

But he also loved his pumpkins...and his brother.

Party at daycare

Quinn's daycare had a super cute Halloween party for the kids. The rooms had different themes and activities, and the kids loved it.

Quinn is apparently a very popular boy--people we had never even seen before knew him. And he walked around and hammed it up the whole time.

As you can tell, he enjoyed his costume (and the balloons).

Here he is with one of his teachers.

And Liam kind of missed out on the action but not on the dressing up.

Just chillin'

And because we have two rather small kids, we've been spending quite a bit of time at home. These are just a few pictures from hanging out.

I included one of Layla because I thought you all might be missing her. And because the poor dog has been enduring quite a bit of abuse from Quinn these days. She deserves a nod.

Oh, and the picture of Liam and the pacifier...Quinn put it there. I usually lay one by Quinn at night, so he must have decided Liam needed the same. So cute.

Liam's blanket

Aunt Jenn made Liam a super cute blanket, and he's showing off his name (maybe he's just happy he finally got one) in this picture...

How we roll

Where did October go?

Every year we venture to the Waynesville Sauerkraut Festival, and this year was no exception. We didn't stay as long as we usually do because we mistakenly went the first day and there were SO many people.

Here's a little tip. New baby + 15-month-old + huuuge stroller = loads of attention. I can't tell you how many people commented on the kids. Maybe they felt bad for us because we looked so tired and hadn't showered.

Anyway, here's how the boys took in the their double-long ride.

Pumpkins and more pumpkins

Quinn got a pumpkin from Grandpa Tom but we decided that we needed a few more for the porch, so we ventured--sans baby Liam--to a pumpkin patch today.

When I grew up, pumpkin patches were in a field and usually had a set price. Apparently this is not how pumpkin patches of today work. Or maybe it's city thing. So you walk around a yard of already picked pumpkins and then pay for your pumpkin by the pound. This means a regular sized pumpkin costs about $7. What?

That aside, Quinn loved walking through the pumpkins and touching all of them. And I included the 2008 picture of Quinn as the Tin Man. Maybe that can be a yearly tradition.

Big and little

Quinn doesn't pay much attention to Liam. He gets a poke in the face every once in a while and a few scared looks during extreme crying spells, but that's about it.

Here is one such example...

Liam Charles

Yep--we decided on a name a few hours before we left the hospital. With 9 months of pregnancy, you would have thought that we would have figured out something like a name before the baby actually arrived.

So here are a few pics from the hospital and the trip home.

Why is getting a brand new baby into a car seat for the first time so stressful?

And the last picture is the boys with their Grandpa Tom after we got home--just because it's cute.

First pics of new baby webb

Before you ask, we still don't have a name. We're working on it, we promise.

So, here's how the day went down. We arrived at the hospital bright and early (5:00 am early) for an induction. The nurse was like, ok, I'm going to check you before we give you any medicine. Quickly followed by: "oh, you're not going to believe this but you're 5 cm need to induce." Good thing we were supposed to be here because I had noooo idea I was having contractions. We chilled for a bit. Pushed a little. Baby arrived at 10:36...7lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. Lots of dark hair. Quinn will probably be a little jealous.

Now to what you've been waiting!

Stay tuned...

We're heading to the hospital at 5:00am to be induced, so stay tuned for more details about baby no name. Who knows--the kid might actually get a name.

I'll see what Chris thinks about taking the computer to the hospital and updating the blog, but I'm guessing he's going to veto that plan. I know they have wireless, but he's tough on that topic. :)

No name's nursery

While baby #2 might still not have a name, he does have a place to sleep. And boy are we crossing our fingers and hoping this baby sleeps better than the first.

So, seeing that we live in the "birthplace of aviation" (note that I didn't say "first in flight"...dumb north carolina), we live on WILBUR Lane, and we are big flyer fans--why not do the nursery in airplanes. Please, no jokes about having a third boy so we can have planes, trains, and automobiles.

Here are a few nursery pictures. If it looks familiar, some of the furniture did moved over from Quinn's room (who needs two gliders and two changing tables?).

Pay special attention to the propeller Grandpa Tom made him for the wall...

Name update: nope, we don't have one. Poor baby no name. This week we're leaning toward Liam, Lincoln (sorry to whoever just dissed it on the blog), Nolan, and Declan. I think we just need to see him. And I'm more than ready for that!