First trip to the pool

Daddy took a break from painting the basement (I'll try to posted updates on that project soon) this afternoon, and we hit the pool for a little bit.

It was Quinn's first time in the neighborhood pool, but he seemed to enjoy it. It took a while to get him to be okay with the water mushroom though...

See Quinn...

I told you the ice cream at the Tastee Freez would be much better!

Oh the stories I have to tell you about the Tastee Freez when you're older and can appreciate them...

Fun with Alyssa and Jannelle

We had lunch with Aunt Alyssa and her friend Jannelle, did a little shopping at Old Navy (no tax on clothes in PA...wahoo!), and then went to the park.

Here are a few pictures from the park!

And the reason that the picture of Quinn on that chipmunk is so funny is because that was actually in the park a million years ago when I used to go there. I'm pretty sure it's an antique.

Old Fashioned Fourth

Remember last year when we said Quinn was already excited for next summer when he could go to Brockway for the 4th? Well, he experienced the celebration in all its glory.

After we got down to the park, Quinn and Grandpa checked out the llama.

Then he spent some time with Zoe on the swings and hanging out.

I think we tired Quinn out during the day with the craft show, talking to people we haven't seen forever, eating french fries, etc. But nothing was funnier than the parade...

Aunt Jaime introduced Quinn to Elmo, Spongebob, and other characters--but Freddie was our favorite. Why was Freddie Kruger at the 4th of July parade you ask? Yeah, we have no idea either.

And then Grandpa showed Quinn the tractors.

Yep...we're still here

Are you annoyed that there haven't been any posts in forever? Yeah--me too. We've been kind of busy/sick/tired recently. Soooo...lets catch up.

We like to refer to this one as cake rage. He wasn't really mad, and he actually liked the cupcake. But it does look like he's having some kind of rage fit here...