First pics of new baby webb

Before you ask, we still don't have a name. We're working on it, we promise.

So, here's how the day went down. We arrived at the hospital bright and early (5:00 am early) for an induction. The nurse was like, ok, I'm going to check you before we give you any medicine. Quickly followed by: "oh, you're not going to believe this but you're 5 cm need to induce." Good thing we were supposed to be here because I had noooo idea I was having contractions. We chilled for a bit. Pushed a little. Baby arrived at 10:36...7lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. Lots of dark hair. Quinn will probably be a little jealous.

Now to what you've been waiting!

Stay tuned...

We're heading to the hospital at 5:00am to be induced, so stay tuned for more details about baby no name. Who knows--the kid might actually get a name.

I'll see what Chris thinks about taking the computer to the hospital and updating the blog, but I'm guessing he's going to veto that plan. I know they have wireless, but he's tough on that topic. :)

No name's nursery

While baby #2 might still not have a name, he does have a place to sleep. And boy are we crossing our fingers and hoping this baby sleeps better than the first.

So, seeing that we live in the "birthplace of aviation" (note that I didn't say "first in flight"...dumb north carolina), we live on WILBUR Lane, and we are big flyer fans--why not do the nursery in airplanes. Please, no jokes about having a third boy so we can have planes, trains, and automobiles.

Here are a few nursery pictures. If it looks familiar, some of the furniture did moved over from Quinn's room (who needs two gliders and two changing tables?).

Pay special attention to the propeller Grandpa Tom made him for the wall...

Name update: nope, we don't have one. Poor baby no name. This week we're leaning toward Liam, Lincoln (sorry to whoever just dissed it on the blog), Nolan, and Declan. I think we just need to see him. And I'm more than ready for that!

A few pics of Quinn...

What happened to September? We've been franticly trying to get stuff ready for this new baby. Nursery...check. Double stroller...check (with a bit of a omg moment). Second car seat in the car...check.

While the basement isn't exactly where we'd like it to be, it's usable and we've been enjoying it so far.

So here's a pic of Quinn in his big boy chair watching tv. Based on the fact that he's actually watching it, The Wiggles must be on. Oh and did I mention that Chris bought tickets to see The Wiggles in concert in November? Yep...not even kidding.

We also had to take Quinn for a few standard blood tests, so here he showing of his bandage that just happened to match his outfit.

Cast your vote now!

Okay, we CANNOT decide on a name for this new baby, who has become known as "baby no name" around the Webb household.

Last time we had a bracket and everything, but we just can't commit to a final list. So we thought we'd share the list of top 12 names (at this moment) and get your votes.

So, either leave your pick as a comment to this post (and include your name!) or e-mail it to me at

Here's the list (in no particular order):
Maxwell (Max)

Happy voting...I hope this is easier than the upcoming presidential election.

How old is this toy you're giving me?

Well, Quinn...quite a few years old. Not only did your mom play with it, but so did your grandma.

No wonder Quinn looks so skeptical.

Wedding trip

So, we ventured to PA this past weekend for Jaime and Randy's wedding. To the dismay of many, Quinn didn't attend and spent the day with Grandma Trudi instead (she, of course, was thrilled--and so were we). Especially'll see why in a second.

Here's a picture of the happy couple. They had a great weekend for a wedding, and a great time was had by all (maybe some had a little too much fun).

This second picture shows why you don't get pregnant after someone asks you to be in their wedding. #1. David's Bridal has like 4 styles of maternity dresses, and they're all ugly so you just have to buy a giant regular dress. #2. Nobody wants to be this big in a church full of people, some of whom think it would be funny if your water breaks. (Andrea, I promise I won't be pregnant for your wedding!)

Aww...cute cousin picture.

And finally...the train wreck that occurred. Chris' motto for the night: "we're good for a designated driver as long as Trisha doesn't go into labor." So maybe these guys hadn't hung out so much before this weekend, but as soon as Chris and Karli's Chris got together at the rehearsal dinner, we knew we were in store for some drama. Add Jeremy to the mix, and wow. What a sight. I can assure you--by the fact that their clothing is still dry and tucked in--that this picture was from early on. got uglier.

But we had a blast hanging out with and seeing everyone. So, aside from a little stress of the baby arriving early, it was a good trip.