5 and 20 months old

Probably against the better judgment of Quinn, the boys had a lot of togetherness on their 5/20-month birthdays.

Liam had lots and lots of oatmeal for his 5-month birthday. It was his second day of oatmeal bliss. Looks gross to me, but he seems to love it.

Quinn chose to spend the evening without pants. For some reason, our kids love being naked.

Then we attempted to bathe them together for the first time. Quinn made sure Liam didn't touch his toys and that there was a safe distance between them at all time.

Finally...getting ready for bedtime. And, yes, they have lots of matching pajamas. Hey, it's better than matching outfits.

Where does the time go?!

Two-kid play dates are work

So, this morning we went on a play date to our friend's house who has two kids around the same age as Quinn and Liam (their kids are spaced out a bit better though...smart people). Getting out the door was insane. I started getting ready at 6:40 and we left at 9:45. None of that time was spent sitting around either. This two-kid gig is a lot of work!

I apologize--the photos are from my phone and aren't the best. But, LOOK AT ME posting just one hour after we got home!

Um, guess whose kids are the crazy ones in the picture (ok, Liam isn't so crazy). But really. You've met us--did you expect our children to be normal?

Playing the recorder...kind of

Quinn loves music (hence his obsession with the Wiggles). He also loves looking at himself in mirrors or, in this case, the fireplace. This video shows a little of both.

Oh, and that is Chris playing at the beginning. He CLAIMS he can play the recorder. I'm not sure I'm buying it.

Liam looooves cereal

You may remember that Quinn was not so much into baby cereal and food. We flew threw that stage so fast I can't even remember it. Liam is a whole different story. I'm starting to think he might be one of those kids who eats everything, but I could be wrong.

So at his 4-month appointment the doctor thought that since he met all of the major milestones, he was huge, and he still isn't sleeping for long stretches that we could try some cereal. We thought it was a little early, so we waited a few weeks.

It took him a few tries to get the whole eating from a spoon thing down, but, as you can see here, he LOVES it.

Quinn hearts window decorations

Or at least he loves putting them up and taking them down over and over again. He's getting ready for Valentine's Day.

First real adventure in the snow

Quinn looooved the snow that we got. Too bad it's still nothing like PA!

Poor Liam lasted about half a second but he needed to at least go out for a picture.

Layla had fun in the snow too.

And, now that we had a few inches, I'm ready for spring. Stupid groundhog and his six more weeks of winter.

4/19 months...a little late

Right, so, I'm going to try to post more than once a month from now on. We've had a rash of illnesses, funerals, and other not-so-fun stuff over the last month; we're hoping for a better February.

But we did remember to take a few photos of the boys on the 25 for their monthly birthday pictures. Quinn is a little bit afraid to sit beside Liam right now...if you can't tell from the expression on his face as he tries to get down.

And Liam still has more hair.