Like mother like son

Sooo...when I was little, I had a major dislike of grass. Who am I kidding...I still hate it.

So imagine how entertaining it was to see that Quinn felt the exact same way when Alyssa and I plopped him down in the grass for some photos at the arboretum.

I'm a little sad we didn't take a video of it--hysterical. Here is the progression from immediate hatred of the grass and not wanting any part of his skin to touch it to a bit of exploration of nature.

First ice cream run

Ok, so it's not Tastee Freeze (but really, what is?), but Quinn had his first trip to get ice cream where he got his own. Maybe he only ate five bites and then Layla ate the rest. It was still fun though.

And a stop by the park

As you can see, we had a fun-filled day. And Quinn seemed to enjoy every minute of it...and so did we.

Some photos during lunch

Yum...even Quinn enjoyed a little Irish lunch. Well, as Irish as mac and cheese is at an Irish pub.

And some photos with the Cincinnati skyline.

A trip to the aquarium

Since Aunt Alyssa has been staying with us and because Quinn has had a love of fish since our first trip to the doctor, we decided that a trip to the aquarium would be fun.

Here are a few pictures from the outing...

Quinn's going to be a big brother...

But you already knew that. He is, however, going to have a little brother. Just like with Quinn, there was no question we're having a boy, and Chris and I knew it as soon as the ultrasound began.

We'll scan in some photos in a bit!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms we know. Believe have no idea how important their experience and advice is until you have your first baby.

We can't take credit for the was in a card from Quinn from daycare.

Have a great day!

What? These round things bounce?

On Friday Quinn discovered what happens when when you throw a ball onto the kitchen floor...and he thought it was hysterical.

Check out the video for a laugh...

Play date!

It's been a while since you've seen Corina on the blog (the mommies totally take the blame), and she's all grown up!

Quinn and I visited Corina and her mom in their fabulous new home last week. Before we made a complete mess on the floor of McAlister's during lunch, the kids played a little, and here are a few pics.

Aren't they cute together?!?!

Sorry for lack of pics...

I just noticed I haven't posted anything FOREVER. We've just been kind of busy chasing Mr. Quinn around. There have been a lot of bumps and bruises and a few slip-n-slide moments from Layla's water bowl.

Quinn has also been taking after his nerdy parents recently and has been obsessed with books. He even cries when they're over, which often forces us to read the same books over and over and over. It doesn't get old at all. ;)