What's the point of having kids close together...

If you can't dress them in matching outfits???

I'm sure they'll hate me for it in 15+ years, but it sure is entertaining for right now.

These pictures say so much about both of their personalities. Quinn being all serious with his cars. Liam jumping and laughing like a mad person. Both of those themes continue throughout the days (maybe not so much the jumping).

And don't you love how they're almost the same size? Liam's outfit is 12 months but he's only 7 months old tomorrow. Quinn, on the other hand, wore 12 month clothes when he was 15 months old.

Hope everyone is enjoying warm weather like we are!

Easter morning

The boys aren't old enough to really get into Easter, but that didn't stop Grammy and Grandpa. Here are the boys with the baskets they got for them...er...I mean that the Easter bunny left for them.

Next year should be fun!

Nana and Pop-Pop

Since Liam hadn't been to PA before, we tried to squeeze in as many visits as possible. We were able to visit with Nana and Pop for a bit Saturday afternoon.

The boys did their best to charm everyone at the nursing home.

Coloring easter eggs

For some reason we thought it would be a good idea to let Quinn color some eggs.

Sometimes he tried to bounce them like balls. Some times he tried to take a bite out of the colored ones. Sometimes he put his hand in the coloring.

In all, it went pretty quickly but proved to be very entertaining.

Don't worry--Liam didn't color the eggs. He's just posing with them.

Little Liam

Liam had quite the week last week. On Tuesday he had an MRI at the children's hospital (everything is fine). On Wednesday he woke up with pink eye. And on Thursday he made his first car trip to Brockway. He was quite the trooper through it all, smiling all the time.