Party at daycare

Quinn's daycare had a super cute Halloween party for the kids. The rooms had different themes and activities, and the kids loved it.

Quinn is apparently a very popular boy--people we had never even seen before knew him. And he walked around and hammed it up the whole time.

As you can tell, he enjoyed his costume (and the balloons).

Here he is with one of his teachers.

And Liam kind of missed out on the action but not on the dressing up.

Just chillin'

And because we have two rather small kids, we've been spending quite a bit of time at home. These are just a few pictures from hanging out.

I included one of Layla because I thought you all might be missing her. And because the poor dog has been enduring quite a bit of abuse from Quinn these days. She deserves a nod.

Oh, and the picture of Liam and the pacifier...Quinn put it there. I usually lay one by Quinn at night, so he must have decided Liam needed the same. So cute.

Liam's blanket

Aunt Jenn made Liam a super cute blanket, and he's showing off his name (maybe he's just happy he finally got one) in this picture...

How we roll

Where did October go?

Every year we venture to the Waynesville Sauerkraut Festival, and this year was no exception. We didn't stay as long as we usually do because we mistakenly went the first day and there were SO many people.

Here's a little tip. New baby + 15-month-old + huuuge stroller = loads of attention. I can't tell you how many people commented on the kids. Maybe they felt bad for us because we looked so tired and hadn't showered.

Anyway, here's how the boys took in the their double-long ride.

Pumpkins and more pumpkins

Quinn got a pumpkin from Grandpa Tom but we decided that we needed a few more for the porch, so we ventured--sans baby Liam--to a pumpkin patch today.

When I grew up, pumpkin patches were in a field and usually had a set price. Apparently this is not how pumpkin patches of today work. Or maybe it's city thing. So you walk around a yard of already picked pumpkins and then pay for your pumpkin by the pound. This means a regular sized pumpkin costs about $7. What?

That aside, Quinn loved walking through the pumpkins and touching all of them. And I included the 2008 picture of Quinn as the Tin Man. Maybe that can be a yearly tradition.

Big and little

Quinn doesn't pay much attention to Liam. He gets a poke in the face every once in a while and a few scared looks during extreme crying spells, but that's about it.

Here is one such example...

Liam Charles

Yep--we decided on a name a few hours before we left the hospital. With 9 months of pregnancy, you would have thought that we would have figured out something like a name before the baby actually arrived.

So here are a few pics from the hospital and the trip home.

Why is getting a brand new baby into a car seat for the first time so stressful?

And the last picture is the boys with their Grandpa Tom after we got home--just because it's cute.