Lazy Sunday

So this past weekend was pretty much devoted to Christmas tasks (finally!). We baked cookies for Quinn's daycare, made a VERY quick trip to the store, finished putting up some decorations (we thought we'd go minimal this year), and took some Christmas pics.

Here's Quinn checking out the train Grandpa Tom bought for him when he was born (excellent distraction for tummy time). Later on that day we graduated to sitting up all by himself and watching the train. Quinn LOVES the train. Layla does NOT.

And, apparently one of the skills at daycare last week was "hold your own bottle"--it said so on his paper he brought home. So here Quinn shows off his new trick. Who knew?

These pics are waaaaay better

I guess when it rains it pours when it comes to me posting on the blog, huh? I've come to realize you only get so much time to yourself when you have a little one.

Quinn got some pictures taken today by the photographer who did his newborn pics. She's so fun and creative--we love her!

I just noticed that she posted some of his shots on her blog. You can check them out here:

He's getting so old!

Breakfast out in Brockway

Right before we left Brockway, we were able to squeeze in one more visit! We went to breakfast with Uncle Bob, Aunt Debbie, Cousin Karli, and little Zoe.

Look how cute Quinn and Zoe are together. We hope Karli and Zoe can come and visit us sometime soon!

Hanging with Grandma Trudi and Aunt Alyssa

We were able to spend half of our time in Brockway with Grandma, Aunt Alyssa, Nana, and Pop-Pop.

Poor Quinn even ventured out on Black Friday for a little shopping with mommy, daddy, and Alyssa.

Here are a few pics with our time with hanging out at Nana and Pop-Pop's house.

Thanksgiving in PA

All four of the Webbs piled into the mom car and headed to PA for Thanksgiving. While none of us really loved the car ride (although I must admit that the space in the mom car makes it a little nicer), we had fun visiting with everyone.

Here are some pics from Grandpa Tom's and Grammy's house.

You can see Quinn hanging out with Grandpa, Aunt Jaime, Grammy, and Britney.

A romance rekindled

So we finally got Quinn and Corina together for a reunion. I personally think there were little hearts the moment they saw each other.

Corina was busy looking around, but Quinn couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He even shared his exersaucer with her...hope she didn't get ADD from it too!

The Nugget AND Andrea

Not only did Quinn get to visit the Golden Nugget for breakfast this past weekend, he also got to meet Andrea and Brian (Andrea was mommy's roomate in college).

Wonder if Quinn thought Andrea looked like mommy too...

It was great to see you guys!

And a first taste of food

Quinn had his first taste of rice cereal on Sunday. And while we thought it looked pretty gross, Quinn seemed to enjoy it.

Layla was circling quite a bit during the feeding too. She's ready for Quinn to be on solids so she can have some.

See...look how happy he is. And he even helped with cleaning up!

First UD basketball game! Go Flyers!

Quinn attended his first basketball game on Saturday. So maybe he fell asleep and might have been there more for the social aspect of the game (oh, no, wait...that's me), he seemed to enjoy what he did see.

We think he said something on the way home about Brian Gregory substituting too much, but we could be wrong...

Go Chris Wright, er, Flyers!

If he didn't inherit ADD from his mom...

Then he surely is going to get it from his exersaucer! He loves it though.

I'll post some video of him in it when I download it from the video camera.

Happy Halloween

Quinn wishes Happy Halloween to all of his friend and family.

And so does Layla...but even more, she wishes that thing was off her head.

Grandpa Tom and Grammy visit Quinn

Over the weekend Grandpa Tom, Grammy, and Britney came to visit Mr. Quinn. We hung out around the house, they took lots of pictures of Quinn, and we went shopping a bit. We even went out to eat.

With all of these grandparents, Quinn is going to be super spoiled super fast. This kid has an insane wardrobe at 4 months.

Here are a few pictures from their visit...

Next time bring Aunt Jaime!

The pumpkin patch

Quinn went to pick out his very first pumpkin today. OK, maybe daddy picked it out for him. But still...he got a pumpkin.

Of course, the pumpkin place offered a few photo opportunities--a pumpkin carriage, a tin man, etc. And we met a nice woman who volunteered to take a family pic...nice.

Obviously, the pictures of Quinn as the Tin Man are the most entertaining.

Opps...a few more cute ones and a milestone

I forgot to post that Quinn rolled over for the first time on Sunday!

Mommy was mean to him later and put rattles on his feet to entice him to roll some more. I'm pretty sure he just wanted them off.

And I had to post the second picture just because it was cute. Quinn got a little bouncy ride on daddy's leg and loved it.

Quinn hosts his first party

Quinn hosted his first small gathering this past weekend. It was just a few friends coming over for a beer exchange, but it was a party to Quinn.

Don't worry, Quinn didn't actually drink any of this beer, but he sure looks like he wanted to...

Quinn's good friend Kyle also attended the party. As you can see, Quinn was intrigued by whatever Kyle did. Clearly Kyle is going to be the ring leader of the crew in a few years.

With all of our friends having boys, I'm pretty sure that means he'll be the captain of whatever team we decide to start.

Just what you've been waiting for...

A new post! I know...we've been awful. Mom started a new job sans child care and Grandma Jan has been super nice and watching Quinn. Things are a bit chaotic at the moment.

Buuuut, we do have new pictures!

First Quinn is sporting what might be quite possibly one of the best shirts in the world. In case you don't know the story, both of us lived at 309 in our college careers and were kind of brought together at UD homecoming. Awww...who doesn't want to tell their kids "well, these old guys showed up at our house with a bunch of kegs..." Thanks for the shirt Ann!

As you can see from the second picture, Quinn has become quite the fan of the bumbo chair--he highly recommends it to future parents.

And finally, Layla decided to get in on a little napping action. Perhaps this is a little bit too close, but Quinn didn't seem to mind. Quinn recently really discovered Layla and is a bit fascinated by her...especially when she refuses to stop licking him.

Quinn and PJ

Sadly, it looks like we're going to have to switch sitters. But, Quinn has totally enjoyed his time hanging out with Theresa, Erin, and PJ (and the transition away from Quinn was MUCH easier on mommy this way).

Here are Quinn and PJ in their matching outfits. They kind of look like super heroes in the first one with thier little fists out! And clearly PJ is much better than Quinn at holding his head up and sitting up. HA!

Thanks for the pictures Theresa!

Quinn's three-month pictures

Three months already? Wow. Sometimes we can hardly remember our life before Quinn (aka a time when we used to get rest). And boy has he changed. He's working hard at sitting up; right now he's only able to do so with the help of the Bumbo, but he loves it.

So here are a few pictures so you can see how long he is and how much he's changed. And I finally got one of him really smiling!

And for the college teams...

And now for college football! I kind of think no matter what, Quinn has to cheer for both teams.

Pretty much ALL of the state of Ohio is behind the Buckeyes. Even our mail lady wears a jersey on game days. And Quinn is not lacking in OSU accessories (thanks Lucinda!). Now if only there wasn't a fight with the cable company and we could watch the games...

And we can't forget Penn State. Quinn has quite a few relatives who cheer on the Nittany Lions throughout the season. Not to mention mommy loves State College...

So this one really is only an issue when the teams play each other. But the outfits are cute (clearly mommy wrote this)!

Which teams will Quinn cheer for this season?

Since daddy can be a bit of a fair-weather fan when it comes to football and mommy just sees it as an opportunity to socialize, we thought we'd let you and Quinn decide who he should root for this season. Here are his professional choices...

First we have the Browns. Should Quinn join the likes of Grandpa, Uncle Chuck, the Boohers (thanks for the coat Melanie!), and the Sapitas as they cheer on the Browns this season?

Next we have the Bengals. While daddy wasn't a fan of this jersey, we thought that Quinn's cousin Andrew, Jenn and Jim, and Dave and Lauren might enjoy the little Webb cheering on their team. I don't think this one will get mommy and daddy's vote though.

And for the final team in the professional division, we have the Steelers. While the fans of the previous two teams may not enjoy this one, we thought mommy's friends and family back home might...and not to mention Kate and Nicky, our loyal Steeler fans in Ohio. Who knows...maybe Quinn drank some Steeler country water during our trip to PA!