QT turns one month

Here's a picture of Quinn on his one-month birthday...he's getting big fast. It's amazing!

A few new-ish pictures

Okay...I've been bad at posting. We don't really have a schedule going yet, so my time on the computer has been a bit limited.

But here are a few pictures over the past week or so. They feature Quinn's first bath in water (he'll hate us for those later), a nap with dad, and another one of him being awake (I'm thinking he doesn't so much like getting his picture taken while awake). His hands kind of seem to be like Ricky Bobby's in Talladega Nights--he doesn't know what to do with them.

He does more than sleep...honestly

It recently crossed my mind that Quinn is sleeping in pretty much all of the pictures on here. While he does happen to sleep the majority of the time, he is awake for some parts of the day (and night).

So here you have an awake Quinn. Nope, he doesn't look super thrilled. We're finding out that he's not exactly a morning person, and it takes him a long time to wake up. So, I'm thinking that he wasn't really down with me taking his picture at 7 am.

Oh, and there's also another one of him sleeping because it was too cute to pass up.

First day at home alone

Okay...I have a new respect for stay-at-home moms, especially for those with more than one child. Today was my first day at home alone with Quinn. Chris worked and then had class all night, which meant I was solo for 14 hours. Um, wow.

Highlights of the day included a quick shower, a quick dinner, and a walk with Quinn and Layla (which was more difficult than I thought it would be). OH and Quinn took some naps in his bassinette...wahoo!

So props to those of you who do it or did it on a daily basis! Sorry...no pics today.

Happy Fourth of July

Although he won't be watching any fireworks this year, Quinn celebrated the day with a Fourth of July outfit. I think he might already be looking forward to next year's celebration in Brockway!

Sleeping...or lack of

As I'm typing this, Quinn is taking his FIRST nap not being held by someone. Layla and I are, of course, staring at him from the bed to make sure he is still breathing. Here is a sample of how the rest of Quinn's naps have been going...

With Chris and Layla in the bed (Graue, this pic was a special post for you--I realized the Crunch pants made an appearance when I downloaded the photos)...

With Aunt Alyssa on the couch...she was a trooper this morning and lasted until 3 am.

Oh and here is one of the many sunrises that we've now seen from the back of our house with the new hours we've been keeping. It's kind of like going back to the no sleep days of college. But without the exams and papers...or the beer.

A few firsts

July 1 was a day of firsts for Quinn.

Here are pictures of his first bath and his first walk; he loved both of them, especially his new stroller.

The 2nd was some not-so-fun firsts. Quinn had his first photo shoot (which was fun) during which he had his first pee on mommy and his first poop on Daddy. Fun times!

And the last picture is of Layla thinking she needed to warm him up after his bath this morning. She might really think that she's his big sister.