Best friends forever

So Layla and Quinn might be a little obsessed with each other. Quinn pulls Layla's ear or fur, and Layla tries to lick Quinn's face off--that's pretty much how it goes. And this happens over and over until we pull them apart.

Here are a few pictures of them playing together in Quinn's room.

Hint: if you want the dog that has slept in your bed for 6 years to get out, have a baby. I think Layla fears we won't wake up to hear him at night.

First art project

Who says 6 months is too young for an art project? Here is Quinn's first project that he brought home from daycare. Awwwwww.

Weekend of friends

Quinn got to hang out with a bunch of kids this past weekend. He attended his first birthday party and also visited his friends PJ and Erin (see posts in Sept/Oct).

Here's a pic of Quinn's friend Will, whose birthday we celebrated this weekend. Happy birthday Will!

And, if they didn't have enough fun in the day, we made Quinn and Will go out for a little Thai food for dinner. Poor kids.

Dinner with the Boohers

Since mommy doesn't work with Matt anymore and daddy is finished going to school with Melanie, we have to meet up every now and then to visit.

Here we are at City Barbecue last month. We went to breakfast this past weekend, but someone got a little cranky...Chris.

We love our solid foods...

Can't you tell?

Just because of the expression

When Grandpa Tom and Grammy came to visit (and flood our house with toys), we had to make a trip to Cracker Barrel. Here's Quinn trying out their super weird high chair. Gotta love his expression. Yes, Quinn, I feel the same way about Cracker Barrel. Haha!

Big boy bath

Quinn recently graduated to the next level of bathing...sitting up. Luckily his tub converts to a seat. And he LOVES it. And he loves falling water. It's the little things, you know?

Helena's Christening

We also went to the Christening of Quinn's friend Helena (ok, maybe mommy and daddy are friends with Helena's mom...but the other is more fun). It was a beautiful event at the UD chapel and a very fun gathering at Helena's grandparents house after.

Here is one super cute picture from the Christening. What a beautiful family!

And one of Quinn taking a little nap on Ann. Awwww...

Opening presents with Aunt Jenn and Uncle Jim

We opened presents at Jenn and Jim's casa the day after Christmas...after a lovely dinner at Dewey's.

Jenn made Quinn a super cute shirt and picture (I'll have to post those later) and bought him a way fun hat. We got fun gifts too, but I'm guessing you only read this for Quinn. :)

Christmas morning

Here are just a few pics of Quinn on Christmas morning. Obviously he is a little young, but he enjoyed eating the paper.

I'm sure that this was the cheapest Christmas for us for like the rest of his life...

I also had to include pictures of Quinn and his new best friend Layla. They are super cute together!

Webb family fun

Ok, I'm waaaay late, but here are some pics from the Christmas break. Seems like so long ago already...

We always get together a little before Christmas to open presents with Chris' family.

The first is Quinn with his cousin Andrew. I think Andrew is still waiting for him to crawl, but they love hanging out.

The next is Quinn opening up one of his Christmas presents (with some help from daddy).

And finally Quinn chillin' on grandma's lap.

Famous last words

What happened to December? Or 2007 for that matter. Sorry for the lack of posts this past month. Quinn started daycare and it was one illness after another. We even had to miss New Year's Eve fun at the cabin. I cannot even talk about that.

But anyway. I think I remember saying and telling everyone that Quinn didn't really need much for Christmas since he's a little too young to know what's going on. Ummmmm...right. So nobody listened (I'm looking at you grandparents).

The first picture is our nice, neat living room on Christmas eve. A few presents. Not too much though.

The second was taken this afternoon after Quinn received a few presents from his family. Mind you, we haven't seen Grandma Trudi and Aunt Alyssa yet.

The third is Quinn's parking lot by the fire place. Remember when he only just learned to sit up?

More Christmas to come soon...