
So while the guys were in Put In Bay this weekend, we had a little slumber party at our house. And although daddy thought the boys were a little young to have a girl spend the night already, Liam obviously thought there was nothing wrong with it.

The morning after, Liam and Emmie got up at the crack of dawn (as usual). We were hanging out playing...and then Emmie made her move.

Note how Liam is trying to resist in photo #2 but clearly gives in by #3. Awww...young love.

25 months and 10 months

Sorry, this is a day late. Pretend I actually posted it on the 25th.

Quinn has become quite the little builder lately. He's concentrating pretty hard on these blocks. Liam will, of course, knock them down in 2 seconds.

Liam is enjoying the newfound freedom that comes with crawling. His little knees have the rug burn to prove it.

And it took about 8 tries to get them both sitting for two seconds...these are the best two. Enjoy!

Balloons away...

Yesterday evening we took the boys to a hot air balloon race. After standing in line for a million hours for food and looking at the antique cars (clearly for Quinn), we almost gave up on waiting for the balloons. The weather was a bit questionable, so we weren't sure they were going to launch anyway.

Luckily, they started blowing them up right as we were about to leave, so we took the boys over to watch them inflate and launch.

Although Liam still enjoyed looking at people the most, Quinn thought the balloons were pretty cool (and so did we).

What a Friday!

So I have been complaining for a while that Liam hasn't started crawling yet. Clearly I forgot that we'd have two little ones to chase around. I take back everything I said.

Liam had been working on it for a couple of days but then on Friday morning he started crawling at full speed (well, maybe not full speed). Fast forward to like 2pm. I'm standing in the bedroom putting some makeup on--yep, 2pm is the earliest this could happen--and I hear the boys' chair playing music. Only I knew Liam wasn't in the chair. And when I turned around, he was SO proud of himself for standing up all on his own.

You can also tell how much Liam is the opposite of Quinn when it comes to pictures. Quinn=never smiles. Liam=just waiting for the next picture so he can smile more.

We're back!

Do you curse my name every time you look at our blog, and there isn't a new post? Well, I vow to get back on the blogging bandwagon, so don't worry. I have a bunch of old posts to get caught up on, but I'll just start with this past weekend.

We took the boys to a park near our house for a while in the morning. And while there were tons of beautiful flowers, deer, butterflies, turtles, etc., we spent a large part of the time in the shrub maze. Quinn loved it. And I mean LOVED. I have about 20 pictures of him running around, but I'll just share one action shot, one not-so-much-of-an-action shot since Liam still isn't crawling, one of us trying for the hundredth time to get them in a photo together, and one just cute one of Quinn (sorry Liam).

Enjoy, and I promise that there will be more to come soon!