Happy 2 months/17 months

Conveniently (for blogging purposes), Liam and Quinn were both born on the 25th, so that means today is Liam's 2-month birthday and Quinn's 17-month birthday.

If you can't tell by the expression on his face, it freaks Quinn out a little when I put Liam in his crib. He didn't seem to mind sharing his rainforest crib toy though, and Liam might like Quinn's better than his ocean version.

I also think Liam might catch up to Quinn in size...(and, yes, Quinn's hands really are that big).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, they are getting so big. Little Liam looks like he might just pass up Big Brother..lol! Miss them alot & miss you guys too.
Love ya, Grammy & Grandpa