New proofs from the photographer

We got a ton of super cute proofs from the photographer this week, and I had to share a few because I LOVE her work.

If you're interested in seeing more of Carmen's work, check out her blog at

Start the betting...

If all goes well, we should find out the gender of baby #2 on the afternoon of May 15 (so don't text us for news in the morning!). After the gender is revealed, watch the blog for the new and improved baby name bracket.

A little laugh for you

While I was uploading video, I thought this one was too cute not to share.

And he's mobile!

Quinn finally crawled today! Here's a little sample of his skills...

The Webb family keeps on growing

Yep, you read that correctly. And, nope, we aren't getting another dog. We are in fact having another baby...who is due to arrive at the end of September. Shocked? You cannot be any more surprised than we were--trust me.

Just in case you're like us and need to see it to believe it, we've included the first ultrasound.

And if anyone is feeling like they want to try out being a nanny, just let us know...

Quinn's baptism

Quinn was baptized this weekend at the same chapel we got married at and by the same priest. Hard to believe that was almost six years ago already!

He was sooo good during the entire ceremony and didn't cry once. And he couldn't have looked cuter in his little white outfit...well, maybe if he would have kept the hat on for more than one second, but no big deal.

Here are a few of the pictures from the event.