Grocery store = bad idea

Ok, we could take our kids to Toys R Us, and they wouldn't ask for one thing. Maybe it's because they don't really watch tv with commercials yet...who knows. BUT take them to the grocery store, they want it all. And by all, I mean fruits and vegetables and cereal.

Today we had the worst idea ever of taking them to the grocery store on a Sunday afternoon before dinner. We realized the error of our ways as soon as we arrived, but figured we'd get some stuff since we were already there.

Liam freaks out over the avocados, I give him one, and he holds it the rest of the time we're there. Quinn melts down by the apples, I give him one, and he holds it the rest of the time. Mind you, Liam thinks he has an apple like Quinn, so he's yelling "apple" the entire time we shop. And this is our trip to the store.

So, we get home, they still want apples (but, of course, not cut up), so we figure what the heck. And this is how much they ate.

Oh the drama.

Saturday morning fun

Grandma and Grandpa hooked Quinn and Liam up with a membership to the Boonshoft Museum for Christmas, so we tested it out yesterday morning.

You might remember pictures from our trip in, oh, maybe May, but the boys enjoyed it a little more this time because they could do more.

Looking forward to many more visits.


A few of Chris' friends--who we don't see that often--were in town a few weeks ago, so we got together so they could see everyone's kids too. It was tons of fun, but keeping the kids still for a picture wasn't as easy as we hoped.

Christmas pictures

The boys had lots of fun Christmas morning. We didn't buy a ton and quickly saw that we still bought too much. They opened a few favorite presents, and we lost them after that.

And, yes, they will hate us for dressing them in matching pajamas when we look back at these photos 15 years from now.

Also, please note that Liam could have cared less about the presents Christmas morning and really only focused on getting a graham cracker.

Is it January 31 already?

Dear blog readers,

I apologize for the LOOOONG break in blogging. The last three months have been, well, interesting. To say the least.

You haven't missed a ton with the cold weather and all. We've been playing in the basement a lot, with a few occasional outings here and there.

But mostly, we've been going to a variety of appointments...doctors, therapy, etc. Right around Thanksgiving, Liam and Chris got pretty sick. We didn't make it to PA, which was probably best for the health of our family there. Liam was over it in about 12 hours...Chris wasn't as lucky. He actually got so sick he passed out and landed us in the ER for some stitches and a few IVs. It was cra-zy.

Shortly after that, we took Quinn to our local children's hospital for an evaluation in their autism clinic. After a day of meetings with different specialists (he did great, btw), they diagnosed him as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder. He fell on the low end, so they are pretty hopeful that he should overcome some of his communication issues with therapy.

So now he's getting weekly therapy through the PACE program (awesome program) and speech therapy through the children's hospital (not really a fan of that just it a chance though). Quinn's finally communicating a little more, which is helping him not be so frustrated all the time.

Liam, on the other hand, is SUPER social and talking up a storm. He started walking/running around Thanksgiving and now really enjoys torturing his brother. Never a dull moment at the Webb house.

So, that's what you missed in a nutshell. Oh and, for your enjoyment, here is a picture from Christmas Day.