
We FINALLY got to meet little McKenna this weekend. Finding a weekend where both toddlers are healthy to visit a new baby is not easy. But we finally made it! Yay!

McKenna was, of course, adorable and a little angel for our whole visit. Mommy and daddy looked great too (don't worry, they still had the I need a little more sleep please look in their eyes that all first time parents have for the first few months). Don't worry guys, it gets easier and then baby #2 is a breeze. Well, kind of.

And, Liam seemed to really want a little sister (we told him he might need to wait 4 or 10 years or so). He was in love!

Spring break visitors

Alyssa and her friend Liz just spent the last few days visiting us during their spring break.

And just like last year, everyone had fun during the visit. Alyssa and Liz got to see the sights of Dayton (haha). Layla and the boys got some extra attention. And Trisha and Chris had two extra sets of hands to help out. Win. Win. Win.

Ohhhhhh. And this time we got to go out. To a bar! How is Alyssa old enough to drink, you ask? Yeah, I'm not so sure when we got that old either. But we had tons of fun.

Thanks for visiting us ladies!

Liam looooooves basketball

I swear we did not force Liam to love basketball. And he just doesn't love the Flyers...he loves all basketball.

This clip of Liam watching a game IS actually the Flyers playing Temple last Wednesday night.

I guess Liam just didn't cheer loud enough. We lost.


This isn't really what we had in mind when we bought these storage bins at Ikea.

But I guess this works too...

Oh, and apparently their tunnel is their reading spot. :)