Quinny Quinn turns 3

Quinn is officially three. Can you believe it? This little baby is all grown up!

To celebrate his big day, daddy took the day off, and the four of us met up with the Gobrails at the spray park for some fun on the playground and in the water.

Quinn loves being outside, but I think he's starting to love being in water almost as much. Liam, on the other hand, doesn't so much love the water (he opted for more playground time).

It's been a crazy three years for sure, and we wouldn't change a minute of it. We love you Quinn...and your great smile!

Happy Father's Day

Quinn and Liam are sending a very special Father's Day shout out to their dad and their grandpas today. And Happy Father's Day to all the other awesome dads we know.

Hope you enjoyed the day!

The monkey bus visits our house

Quinn's third birthday is just a few days away. Yeah, I know, it's crazy. How did that happen?

So, to celebrate, we thought we'd have the Monkey Bus come to our house and invite a few of our friends over to play.

The Monkey Bus visits the boys' daycare one day a week, but Quinn has missed out on the fun because he's been in Toddler Group (which was fun too) for the last few months. It has been kind of sad when Liam comes home with the Monkey Bus stamps on his arm and Quinn doesn't.

I'm not quite sure what Quinn thought of the bus rolling up to his house, but it was a fun hour of play...zip line, trampoline, ball pit, and all.

Reunion Weekend

If you haven't guessed by all the posts about basketball and the Flyers and whatnot, we love UD. I mean the kind of love where you not only go to college there, but also meet your spouse in the student neighborhood because you lived at the same house (different years), get married at the chapel on campus, and spend a small fortune on basketball tickets (and babysitters) every season. Not to mention that A LOT of our friends went to UD too, and we've all already started brainwashing our children to go there too.

You get the picture.

So, last weekend was my 10-year reunion and Chris' 15-year reunion. Nice how that works out, huh? So we packed up the kids (and the dog) for grandma and grandpa's house and headed down to Campus South for a weekend of drinking, stories, wondering around campus, and seeing people we haven't seen for years.

And for those of you who went to UD but couldn't make it to Reunion Weekend, yes, we went to Tim's (twice), and, yes, it was exactly the same. And, yes, JON was there too. And, yes, he was exactly the same (minus hair).

Sadie turns one

Our fabulous friend Sadie recently turned one, and we were more than thrilled to celebrate her first birthday with her. Look how adorable she was at her party (and how much she looks like her daddy!).

And I think she enjoyed her cupcake. Happy birthday Sadie!

Oh how we love holiday weekends

Memorial Day weekend could not have been more fun and more packed with activities.

First, we celebrated the wedding of our friends Katie and Brian. The wedding was beautiful and the happy couple was beaming the entire day. I think they still might be beaming a month later!

Then we woke up early Sunday morning and headed to the Akron area for more adventures. I attended a wedding shower for one of my oldest and best college friends, Ginelle. The shower was so much fun, but, even better, it was great to see and catch up with Ginelle. More wedding beaming!

And while I was at the shower, Chris and the boys hung out at my Aunt Marge's house with my family. I'm sad I don't have any photos (I think I had the camera with me), but when I got back from the shower, I saw two VERY tired but VERY happy little boys. Like asleep by 7 tired. Which never happens.

So, we had our very first experience of spending a night in a hotel with kids. Picture Chris and I sitting at the hotel room desk eating take-out food in the dark and watching Where the Wild Things Are on a portable DVD player. Classy. I promise you that we used to take much more glamorous trips and be way more exciting. But this was still fun. Just a different kind of fun. :)

The next morning we headed to IHOP (yum) and then explored the Akron Zoo before we headed back to the 'Boro. Turns out admission is free if you have a pass to the Boonshoft. Score!

Great Strides Walk 2010

You might remember our Great Strides walk from last year. Well, we participated in an even bigger and better event this year with even more of our friends. It was great to see so many people out to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and those who are affected by cystic fibrosis.

We arrived a little early (yeah, I was shocked too) to the event, so we got to explore the playground with our friends. And, of course, the walk was super fun too.

Birthday party craziness

Last month, our friend Kyle turned five and celebrated his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's. I'm not going to lie...I was not excited. :)

If you're my age, you remember the crazy "shows" with the animatronic mouse of the old Chuck E Cheese. Luckily (or not if you're into that kind of thing), the place has been updated to the 2000s, and that kind of display no longer exists.

I'll admit that the party was fun. Kyle and all his guests loved it. And our boys (including Chris) can't wait to go back. Liam brings it up often (thank you for the ads, Disney channel).

Apparently Liam does not share my hatred of people dressed up in costumes. That's him front and center for Chuck E. himself.

And, I had to post the picture of our friend enjoying her slice of pizza because it was so cute!

We became a two-coupe family

As Spring arrived and we broke out the outdoor toys, we quickly realized that the fights over Quinn's car were going to be common. Maybe every day. I started shopping around for a used coupe, but our friend Chris came to the rescue with one her daughters used. She saved us.

No patio furniture for us this summer!

What?! It's June?

Yep...I fell behind in blogging AGAIN. Is it weird that I write for a living yet can't keep up with writing for our own blog? Embarrassing.

Ok, so now you're going to get caught up on all the pictures I just downloaded from our camera.

First up, the normal stuff. Liam's first lollipop and the boys decorating cookies for fun at home.

Enjoy these pics and all the other updates that follow.