Stitches already?

So poor little Quinn was trying to cheer up a crying Liam with tickles and wrestling, and then things went bad.

There was a crack so loud I was sure Quinn had some kind of skull fracture. But, alas, he just needed three little stitches. And, if you talk to Chris, getting those three little stitches was no small feat.

Quinn seems to have forgotten all about the stitches though (especially when daddy brought home a slinky)...until we have to go get them removed in a few days.

Trick or Treat

Apparently our boys don't like stuff on their heads. We seemed to have fooled Liam, but Quinn wanted no part of his costume's hat (in case you couldn't tell what was going on in the photo). We ventured down the street and back for a little candy, but it was freezing cold so the boys were ready to hang up their costumes.

Regardless, they made a cute little Yoda and Darth Vader.

May the candy be with you...

Last days of warm weather

We enjoyed some 70+ degree weather on Friday, so we were sure to get outside and take advantage of it.

Our original baby and the two who wrecked her world... :)