A few firsts

July 1 was a day of firsts for Quinn.

Here are pictures of his first bath and his first walk; he loved both of them, especially his new stroller.

The 2nd was some not-so-fun firsts. Quinn had his first photo shoot (which was fun) during which he had his first pee on mommy and his first poop on Daddy. Fun times!

And the last picture is of Layla thinking she needed to warm him up after his bath this morning. She might really think that she's his big sister.

1 comment:

dmelzer said...

Trisha: Thanks for the photos. I'm loving the ones of Layla and Quinn since I'm such a dog person. So what if she thinks she's a big sister? You are fortunate that she has adjusted to Quinn in a positive way. Looking forward to seeing the little guy in person. Glad everyone is doing well!