A few new-ish pictures

Okay...I've been bad at posting. We don't really have a schedule going yet, so my time on the computer has been a bit limited.

But here are a few pictures over the past week or so. They feature Quinn's first bath in water (he'll hate us for those later), a nap with dad, and another one of him being awake (I'm thinking he doesn't so much like getting his picture taken while awake). His hands kind of seem to be like Ricky Bobby's in Talladega Nights--he doesn't know what to do with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're bath pictures are very discreet, I'm sure he won't be too embarassed when we whip them out at his UD graduation! And I enjoyed the Ricky Bobby comment! I've got to get down to see you guys!!

Love, Lu