Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Poor Quinn has to dress up for holidays even when he doesn't leave the house. I'm pretty sure Layla is glad it's him and not her.

Quinn sported not one but two Irish shirts today. The first one is a little Lucky Charms-ish (but he didn't seem to mind).

And he also showed off his onsie that is actually FROM Ireland, which our friend Melissa brought back for him when she went for the H'Oscars. He clearly loved them both.

Even daddy got in on the Irish shirt action! Aw, aren't the boys cute in their matching t-shirts?

Hope everyone had some green beer! Ahhh...those were the days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! (I mean Quinn, but Chris is cute too!) Where are the ridiculous Easter pictures? Did you dress him up like a Chick or a Bunny? :)