Dear Laurie Berkner...I might owe you my next child or a million dollars or something. When our kids are screaming in the car, over tired, or just sick of being in the house, the Laurie Berkner Band comes to our rescue. The Rocketship Run CD was their first love, but now we've added other Laurie Berkner Band CDs to our collection and watch the videos on YouTube quite regularly.
Today around 5:30 was one of those times. Meltdown averted with Laurie on YouTube. And, yes, we have a computer hooked up to our television...we are one of those families. What can I say--Netflicks is a wonderful thing.
In other news, Liam now refuses to have any food than involves bread cut into pieces. From PB&J and toasted cheese to hamburgers and dinner rolls, don't even think about picking up a knife. And I'm pretty sure we're giving him a complex because Chris and I laugh at him eating throughout the entire meal. It's just so darn cute!
Laurie Berkner is like kiddie crack. God Bless her.
I appreciate your PO very much the article with the picture. Continues to refuel!!
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