We took Quinn back to the autism clinic last week for a follow-up to his original evaluation.
We're happy to say that the doctors were as thrilled with his progress as we have been. His eye contact, increased vocabulary, interaction with others, decreased frustration...all tons better than they were last December.
No, we didn't really need doctors to tell us that early intervention therapies have helped Quinn more than we ever expected. But when someone tells you that your child has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder--or any disorder or medical condition really--it's really nice to hear those same doctors be so excited about his progress.
Chris and I have met a lot of people over the last year. Speech therapists, early intervention specialists, occupational and physical therapists, teachers, other parents whose children have similar diagnoses, etc, and we're so thankful for all of them.
Last fall, Quinn spent most of his days playing by himself and being frustrated because we never knew what he wanted...not to mention all of the sleepless nights. A year later, he still keeps to himself at times and gets overwhelmed in large groups and new situations, but he now plays with Liam and other kids (at times), makes eye contact, uses over 60 words, and is just overall a much happier boy. It's awesome!