Hot air balloons...take 2

Remember when we went to the hot air balloon festival last year? Quinn looked thrilled, huh?

The boys were way more into this year. We rode a ride, went inside an inflated balloon and ate spiral french fries. What more could you ask for from an evening? Well, it would have been nice if the weather would have cooperated so the balloons could launch, but you can't have everything.

I also get the impression that they're sick of me taking their picture...don't you?

Not your average Tonka

Quinn and Liam also got to check out this old truck when one of grandpa's friends stopped by to show off his work. It was pretty impressive.


While in PA, we visited my mom in Wellsboro and went to Hal and Sandy's farm. Our boys were clearly destined for country living. Omg. They LOVED it.

Liam ate peas out of the garden...lots of peas. Quinn petted the chicken. They both loved the pond.

Maybe it's time to leave the suburbs...

Why the boys love PA

We spent the first half of July visiting all the grandparents in PA. Usually PA is a nice break from the heat and humidity that we have all summer in Ohio. But not this time. It followed us there.

The boys did a lot of playing outside when we visited Grandpa and Grammy in Brockway. As you can see, they found ways to stay cool. Like, um, run around outside at full speed wearing only a diaper. Yeah, we don't normally run around outside in a diaper at our house. I'm pretty sure there are rules against such things in our HOA handbook.

They LOVE visiting PA. Can you tell?

This lives at our house now

I can't believe I forgot to share that we added a giant wooden structure to our landscaping! Yep, this is in our backyard now. All the time.

The boys love it. And we love not having to go to the playground all the time.