6 and 21 months

Has it really been another month already?!?!

Lucky for Liam, Quinn has started to finally take an interest in him--as in the past two days. Oh he won't play with him or anything, but he'll at least look at him before swatting Liam's hand away.

Liam is chugging right along on getting introduced to different baby foods. His wet shirt is a mix of banana oatmeal cereal and plain baby drool. He's even sitting up pretty well now.

As for Quinn, he could not be happier now that the nicer weather is here. Getting him to come inside is another story. Meltdown every time. I seriously feel bad for the people at daycare. And even though he isn't talking so much yet (we're getting his hearing checked again in April), he understands SO much more now.

AND we finally watch something other than just The Wiggles...Cars! Chris and I can pretty much quote the movie for you.

Enjoy the pics!

Our little leprechauns

Our poor kids. I made them wear St. Patrick's Day t-shirts. Liam sported an Ireland coat. They had green eggs and ham for breakfast at daycare (not Liam, of course). For dinner we had corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and shamrock cookies. And then mommy and daddy drank cider while we played outside.

I'll wait until they're older to let them know that they're mostly German.

Spring breakers

Aunt Alyssa and her friend Liz came to stay with us for some of their spring break. They saw the sights of Dayton (yep--there are sights), shopped, spent time with the kids, hung out and played cards (one of us was not a happy loser...I'm looking at you Alyssa!).

We loved having them and were so sad to see them leave. Visit anytime ladies!