Stitches already?

So poor little Quinn was trying to cheer up a crying Liam with tickles and wrestling, and then things went bad.

There was a crack so loud I was sure Quinn had some kind of skull fracture. But, alas, he just needed three little stitches. And, if you talk to Chris, getting those three little stitches was no small feat.

Quinn seems to have forgotten all about the stitches though (especially when daddy brought home a slinky)...until we have to go get them removed in a few days.

Trick or Treat

Apparently our boys don't like stuff on their heads. We seemed to have fooled Liam, but Quinn wanted no part of his costume's hat (in case you couldn't tell what was going on in the photo). We ventured down the street and back for a little candy, but it was freezing cold so the boys were ready to hang up their costumes.

Regardless, they made a cute little Yoda and Darth Vader.

May the candy be with you...

Last days of warm weather

We enjoyed some 70+ degree weather on Friday, so we were sure to get outside and take advantage of it.

Our original baby and the two who wrecked her world... :)

Why little brothers exist

Quinn finally discovered the joy of having a little brother...putting him to work.

Mind you, neither one of them talks, but they managed to work this arrangement out. Poor Liam started out pushing with socks on, but I helped him out a little and took them off.

He gave up in the end to get a drink. Well deserved!

Cracking each other up

Quinn and Liam are starting to finally play together. Translation: Quinn is finally giving Liam the time of day.

I love how Liam sits and waits for Quinn but still screams and how Quinn knows to duck to go into the tent but not to come out!

Our superheroes

Just because these were too cute to not post...

Did you know Batman and Superman's favorite thing to do is read?

Birthday take four

Tired of watching Liam open birthday presents yet? Here's a few more from Grandma Trudi's visit.

Liam, unlike Quinn, likes opening presents!

Liam's birthday party

We decided on a pumpkin theme for Liam's birthday since it's fall and all (and who doesn't love fall). Cute pumpkin decorations, snacks and all. But the best part was all the friends who came to celebrate with Liam.

Congrats Sadie

Quinn and I went to see our little friend Sadie get baptized. Sadie and her family looked beautiful!

We love you Sadie!

Liam's birthday day

Both daddy and mommy were home for Liam's birthday, so aside from poor Liam going to get shots for his one-year checkup, it was a pretty fun day.

We shopped a little, we ate a little, we played a little. And then we had an ice cream cupcake.

And holy cow. How did Liam get to be one already?

Oh man

Dear blog friends,

We have soooo much to catch up on. Since I posted last, we've been very busy. Mommy and daddy went to St. Louis for a very fun wedding (congrats Andrea and Brian!), Liam turned one, our friend Sadie got baptized, we had a party for Liam, three grandparents visited, and Liam and Quinn finally decided to play together. And lots of other stuff probably happened too, but I can't think of it all right now.

So, the next few posts will give you a glimpse of all that and more.


Celebrating birthdays

This past Sunday we got together at Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate birthdays for Liam, Grandapa and Andrew.

Something tells us Liam had a good time...

And so did Quinn. He loves his Uncle Chuck time.

Alter Family Fun Fest

We journeyed to Alter Family Fun Fest last night (at the local Catholic high school--for those of you not from the area) to meet up with friends and partake in the fun.

After dinner, we thought we'd try out some rides. Apparently the poor economy affects carnival rides too because we paid $30 to ride 5 rides. I foresee expensive trips to amusement parks in our future.

Anyway, Quinn and mommy and daddy rode the flying elephants, Quinn went down the big slide with daddy and mommy, and then all four of us rode the spinning dragons.

Ok, well, maybe it wouldn't have cost so much if mommy and daddy didn't both want to take Quinn on the rides. Who cares...we had fun!

Liam gets a new 'do

When daddy started calling Liam "Hippie Longstocking," it was time for Liam to get a trim.

When Quinn got his cut, there were tears and drama. Liam, on the other hand, likes to sit in the middle of a room, up on a car and have people look at him.

Here's Liam before, during and after. He's much more distinguished now. :)

Oh bananas

Liam discovered bananas this weekend. And this is how he chews them (the loud background noise would be his big brother)...

Art on the Commons

We decided to take the boys to Art on the Commons via the wagon. Apparently it makes us as much of a spectacle as the double stroller. It's hysterical. I don't think we're the only people who accidentally had two kids 15 months apart. Maybe it's because they look more like they're 9 months apart...

Round and round

Quinn liked the carousel so much he rode it twice in a row. He probably would have rode it forever if we would have let him...

The Zoo!

Grammy and Grandpa came for a visit this weekend, and we all went to the zoo on Saturday morning. It was hot and the kids were worn out by 1, but we still had lots of fun.

Looking at the cats...

Posing on the gorilla statue before checking out all the different monkeys.

Quinn wasn't so sure about his first carousel ride, but he ended up loving it (check out the video in next post).

And getting ready for our train ride near the end of our zoo adventure. I think the train put Quinn over the edge because he fell asleep shortly after.

Backyard fun

So way back at the end of June we were supposed to have a little party in celebration for Quinn's second birthday. Unfortunately, I got really sick and then July was pretty busy and flew by.

So last weekend we finally had our friends over for some backyard splashes (sans the birthday). The boys (and Sadie...yep, only one girl) seemed to have lots of fun!

Butterfly festival

We met up with our old pals Corina, Nate and their parents for some fun at the butterfly festival (and people watching). We checked out some butterflies, ate some lunch and saw some really interesting people who went all out to celebrate the butterflies.


So while the guys were in Put In Bay this weekend, we had a little slumber party at our house. And although daddy thought the boys were a little young to have a girl spend the night already, Liam obviously thought there was nothing wrong with it.

The morning after, Liam and Emmie got up at the crack of dawn (as usual). We were hanging out playing...and then Emmie made her move.

Note how Liam is trying to resist in photo #2 but clearly gives in by #3. Awww...young love.

25 months and 10 months

Sorry, this is a day late. Pretend I actually posted it on the 25th.

Quinn has become quite the little builder lately. He's concentrating pretty hard on these blocks. Liam will, of course, knock them down in 2 seconds.

Liam is enjoying the newfound freedom that comes with crawling. His little knees have the rug burn to prove it.

And it took about 8 tries to get them both sitting for two seconds...these are the best two. Enjoy!