Finally...a video!

Here's a quick video of Quinn's new walking skillz. The length of his pajama pants may be hindering him a bit... video tonight

While I promised some avid blog readers that I would post a video of Quinn walking tonight (yep, he's up to a few steps now), it turned out to not be a good night for such things.

For one thing, this is what Quinn looked like during dinner.

And then this is what he looked like during dessert (first real cookie).

Nobody wants to look that messy in their walking debut!

Meanest leprechaun ever...

Seriously, have you seen a meaner looking leprechaun? We made a quick stop by the Celtic Festival with Jenn, Kate, Crystal, and Jason while daddy was out of town.

Yes, I am an awful blogger

Not only have I not blogged in forever, I don't even have any good stories or many pics to catch you up on.

The last few weeks have been a blur of tubes in Quinn's ears, 103 degree fevers, a trip to the emergency room, not sleeping because of new teeth, basement construction (yep--we have now joined the ranks of those who hate contractors), and a monster trip to Ikea.

But just for fun, here's Quinn's first lollipop (Layla finished it for him).