First Easter basket

Quinn is investigating his first Easter basket (actually from Grammy and Grandpa Tom because mommy and daddy didn't think he needed one).

He really wanted the chocolate bunny, but I think it was because the wrapper was so loud.

Already excited for the Easter egg hunt next year...

Um, Spring?

Remember a few posts ago when I said the snow in Ohio would be nothing to those of you in PA (or other areas where 1 inch of snow doesn't cause panic)? Friday in Brockway...sunny and nice. Saturday...6-9 inches of snow.

Quinn didn't care--he had fun anyway.

And, yes, before you ask, Quinn and Alyssa ARE playing an organ.

Quinn visits Grandpa Tom's work

We took a quick trip to PA for Easter, and while we were there, Quinn visited Grandpa Tom's work.

He tried out quite a few pieces of heavy machinery while we were there, but it all seemed a little too big still. I'm sure it won't be long before he goes on a ride with Grandpa though.

Quinn even made a friend to sit with (but he kind of hogged the seat).

I'm sure Kubota will be calling for some kind of endorsement deal soon...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Poor Quinn has to dress up for holidays even when he doesn't leave the house. I'm pretty sure Layla is glad it's him and not her.

Quinn sported not one but two Irish shirts today. The first one is a little Lucky Charms-ish (but he didn't seem to mind).

And he also showed off his onsie that is actually FROM Ireland, which our friend Melissa brought back for him when she went for the H'Oscars. He clearly loved them both.

Even daddy got in on the Irish shirt action! Aw, aren't the boys cute in their matching t-shirts?

Hope everyone had some green beer! Ahhh...those were the days.

Snow snow snow

Yep, we just lived through the first "blizzard" in three years here in southwest Ohio. Now, for those of you from PA, the amount of snow we got was pretty much your norm. The difference is this...the road crews can't handle the snow here. It amazes me.

Anyhow, if you ignore me in the pic (hey, why look pretty when you're stuck in the house), here's how Quinn measured up to the snow in our front yard.

While we spent most of our time inside this weekend, we converted Quinn's baby gym into a tunnel. He loves it.

And we're pretty close to crawling. Stay tuned for more on that.

Quinn's day out

Quinn, mommy, daddy, Jenn, and Jim all took a field trip to Cincinnati yesterday to eat some burgers and shop at Urban Outfitters.

As you can see, Quinn enjoyed his first trip to Zip's even though it was super crowded. He even got to visit with Dave and Tawnya.

On the way home (and after Quinn slept through most of Urban Outfitters), we stopped for a little ice cream at Graeter's. Don't worry...that cup actually belonged to Jim. And, as you can see, Quinn was very excited when he realized he could swing his feet in their high chairs.

He ended the day with a quick visit to BW3s to watch the Flyers play, but he was a bit too tired at that point for pictures.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!