Eight months already...

Yesterday was Quinn's official 8-month birthday, but he was so sick he asked to not be photographed. Okay, maybe he didn't SAY that so much, but his mood was pretty much anti-anything, including pictures. He's feeling a little better today (at least we got some smiles), but still not totally himself yet.

Note how serious he his playing and then how his mood magically changes when we take his outfit off.

Enjoy the pics...and a better look at the teeth!

If the snowman was entertaining enough...

Here's what came home from daycare today. Chris and I have been laughing at Quinn as an Eskimo on his daycare door for a few weeks. Glad we could finally share with everyone else.

Happy Valentine's Day

Quinn wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day to all his friends and family!

New pics...finally!

Okay, okay. I've been hearing of some unhappy readers who have been waiting for new pics. What can I say? It's been a slow month.

In honor of Grandpa Tom's birthday (today), the first picture is Quinn in what I like to call his Grandpa Tom flannel. Too bad he's not in PA helping plow the snow. Poor Quinn only gets ice in these parts of Ohio.

Next Quinn and daddy enjoy a little TV time. I can't remember what they were watching...maybe Flyer basketball (I won't even comment about tonight's loss).

Ok, I just thought this one was cute. Quinn took a little nap in his car seat and then seemed a bit confused as to where he was when he woke up.

And finally! What you've all been waiting for...a glimpse of the first two teeth! They pretty much came through on the same day (this past Sunday), but it took a while (and a lot of deleted pictures) to capture them on camera. Quinn wasn't really down with this, so you kind of have to look hard.

Oh, and please note that someone is finally getting some hair too. Maybe mommy will stop making him wear so many hats. Not likely.

Happy birthday to Jim too...the big 30!